Ab-Soul – Only 1


I’m almost speechless..the lyricism Ab-Soul manages to display is damn near unmatched by anyone in his peer group, no disrespect. The way he’s able to articulate such complex concepts with such smooth delivery is something that more people need to take note of. So many of the references are flying over peoples heads and with RapGeniuscredibility coming into question recently, it’s difficult for many of the less versed listeners out there to find ways to grasp the meanings in these lines. Nonetheless, we are in the information age and information is more accessible now than ever, so use a record like this to point you in the direction of some critical knowledge. This is the new age of ‘conscious rap’. We’ve abandoned your stereotypical ideas about what that’s supposed to sound like in favor of something fresh that will reach the people that need to hear it.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/70882399″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]