Robert Glasper – Dillalude #3


If you missed parts 1 & 2:

When Glasper met Dilla:

So when I met Dilla, the first thing I asked him was ‘Where’d you get “Still Shining?’” which was a song he did for Busta Rhymes, which is one of my favorite hip-hop beats of all time. Actually, it’s my favorite hip-hop beat of all time. He literally pulled out the record and showed me what he did and how he did it right there. He was a very sharing kinda dude, you know you asked him a question and he’d tell you exactly how he did it.

He wasn’t insecure. I know a lot of producers and beatmakers that tell me “Dilla used to send me beats, he would send me a pile of beats just to have.” He was always sharing, always giving his stuff away. Cats out here are like “yeah, he sat me down, showed me how to use the MP.” I know a lot of stories like that with different cats. And that just shows somebody who has great humility and a cat that’s not insecure. When you’re dope to the core like that, you’re not scared.” – (Via Okayplayer)
